From scarcity to abundance

 “My recent experience with an ERST session was remarkable beyond words! Issues that I have been working on for 3 or more years in traditional therapy seemed to unwedge and completely clear out of my energy system. For the first time in so long I felt SPACE in my body, like there was room for so much more! I noticed a change in thinking from resistance to acceptance, from scarcity to abundance, and have been able to maneuver a rather difficult situation with much more ease.” LM

I was so angry

“When I came in for the treatment, I was so angry. I didn’t share what my issue was, but right away he knew it was a big one. After the treatment I was amazed to find I felt no emotion at all! It was like someone just reached in and scooped it out. Over the next few days I was pretty quiet as I realized how much my anger had been affecting me in other areas. ERST is like a miracle!” S.F., De Pere, WI

This saved my marraige

“Just wanted to get back with you on our session. I could not believe the difference in how I felt about my wife. I can’t believe such a little thing could screw up our marriage. Since we cleared my issue its like it was 20 years ago. We care about each other again. You saved my marriage.” JW

When family causes stress

 The holidays are always very stressful and I was having a family crisis that I could not handle. With the use of ERST, I was given the strength to move through the holidays, not blaming myself for everything. Family came and went with little confrontation. LK

Finally an answer

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for today’s session. I have talked to many professional people over the years for help and I have to say that I feel like I have finally found someone that is going to help me find that inner peace and happiness that I have been searching for for years. I look forward to working with you. A.D.

Living with a phobia...

is annoying at best and debilitating at its worst. I am forever grateful for the amazing services provided to me these last couple of months. My quality of life has improved in that I am no longer being held prisoner by my mind. With the help of sound therapy I have been set free to once again enjoy daily activities without the constant fear that once plagued me. Thank you for all that you do! Brenda F.

I kicked the habit!

 “After 32 years of this nasty habit, I was ready for another attempt to quit smoking. I was going to try Chantix because I had some results the last time I had done it 4 years prior. (I quit for almost 3 weeks) The dreams I would have when I started taking the product were insanely crazy. I had a list of reasons on why I needed to quit, A friend told me about ERST therapy and that it would be the absolute best way to do it without any side effects. The cost of this treatment would add up to the cost of the doctor’s visit alone so I tried the ERST treatment. It was totally painless and actually relaxing , I kicked the habit! I’ve been smoke free for months now." SV

Feeling better about myslef

As a new business owner, I was looking for ways to make me more successful in business and my personal life. I wanted ways to improve myself so I can look and feel good, and improve my ability to function with greater confidence in business. I was introduced to ERST by a member of my business networking group. At first I was a bit skeptical but had a few emotional issues that needed help as they were affecting me both in my personal and professional life. After just two sessions with ERST, I can say that my emotional issues have been reduced, and feel much better about myself. D.R.

Ijust needed to carry on with my life...

Because of all the tension around the illness and loss of my spouse and all the additional responsibilities that followed I had a feeling of being near overwhelmed. I pushed myself to complete tasks, working myself into a tizzy which exhausted me mentally and physically. After having the sound therapy, my body became so relaxed, the mountains of responsibility did not loom as large as it had been. Sleep came easier being so much more relaxed. I’m feeling much better since I had the sound therapy. JZ

Thank you to ERST I am smoke free going on my third year. I tried quitting several times in the past and also took Chandix but had some bad side affects and I started smoking again. My wife suggested that I see Craig for ERST and he told me to have my last cigarette in the parking lot and come in so I did, and after the session I walked out of his office with no cravings or side affects and it did not bother me when people smoked around me, I still did not crave one.
Dave E. 

I was taking care of my elderly father for four and a half years and one day I was so stressed that my wife was very concerned and suggested that I see Craig for ERST to remove the stress. I could not believe how much better I felt . I would think about the situation but it would go away unlike before when it consumed my whole thought process. I stopped thinking and worrying about everything and just did what I had to do with a different thought process. Thank You ERST
Dave E. 

Thank you so much for introducing me to ERST. I was working with Craig with some health issues that he quickly resolved for me and he used ERST to reduce the stress that was causing some of my health issues, and since then I have had several ERST sessions for different stresses in my life. It is instant results and I would not be without it after experiencing so many positive changes.
Diane E. 

Thank you for helping me clear my stress with my rental property that went on for years. My stress level was off the charts when I asked Bernice to do an ERST Session for me. I started joking around after the clearing and she said well it must have worked because you were in no mood for jokes when you came in here. It did not bother me like before and soon after that it was sold .
Diane E. 


Thank you for clearing my financial worries with ERST. I noticed a difference right away and I just did not think about it any more. I cant believe the way it removes the stress and the way I think about things now.

Thank you for the many hours of time that you helped me to clear several stresses in my life with ERST. I noticed physical and emotional changes right away. I feel a lot calmer and just don’t get irritated about things like I used to. I cant believe how much you love helping people, you really have a passion for ERST!

Thank you for helping me with a family member who had a negative attitude about another family member. I noticed a big difference and she is making positive comments and being more encouraging than she was in the past. I cant believe the way ERST works. Its amazing!!!
Thank you for the many many ERST Sessions you have done for me on different topics of my life with personal relationships and other stresses and fears/Insecurities etc!!! I can always count on you when I know Im over stressed and you are so willing to help and give positive feedback and encouragement. I cant possibly list all of the clearings you have done for me with out it turning into a book but thank you for all of them!!!

Thank you for being there on the day when I needed a clearing asap and I did not care if it cost me 500.00 on a credit card. I cant believe how my stress turned from tears before to jokes and laughter after the ERST Session. It is awesome work. I also want to thank you for the several clearings that you have done for myself and my children. We are all very grateful for all of your dedication to ERST. We are in a much better place and we know where to come if things get too stressed or have negative experiences that we are dealing with. Thank you again!

I went to see Craig on Thursday December 20th. We used one of Craigs techniques on clearing emotions that have been trapped. We found that there was an underlying subconscious connection between my thyroid function and the emotion. I chose stopped taking my thyroid medication on December 31st, 2018 and rechecked my thyroid with 6 blood tests. These tests were taken on Thursday, January 11th, 2019. All of my bloodwork for thyroid came back within the normal functioning ranges. I have believed for a long time that the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. What I didn’t realize was how fast this could happen with the ERST techniques. Having a modality like this is amazing for so many reasons and the possibilities are endless. Craig and Bernice continue to learn, grow, and adapt their techniques for assisting our bodies to heal ourselves. I am so grateful for the possibilities of healing!